
October 2008 already!

It seems like just last week that I finally got my last newsletter out to you all... wait, it was just last week. Well, with internet working, communication is soooooooooooooooo much easier!

September has been a busy and rainy month here. To begin, the road on which the church and School of the Bible is located is under construction. They ripped up the old road and are putting in a boulevard with bike path down the middle. This will be very nice and increase foot traffic where we are located, and hence, our own visibility and advertising. But for the present, it is just a big mud pit up to our door. The construction generates significant noise as well, so in order to make the best of it we moved our School of the Bible classes upstairs next to my office, which has worked out very well.

The School of the Bible is currently offering classes Tuesdays from 7:30-10:00 pm, Thursdays from 7:30-10:00 pm, and Saturdays from 10:00 am to 12:30 and 3:00 to 5:30 pm. Our current students are Eduardo (who is now a member of the congregation here in Praia Grande), Ana, Carlos, Edmilson, Antonio, Emilene, and Donato. Please keep them in prayer, as with the rain, they haven't been very consistent (except Eduardo). Many of them come by bicycle or motorcycle, or even by moto-taxi, so the rains really do dampen their spirits (pun intended).

The kids are doing well.

Jonathan sports an expression that is a cross between "What, me worry?" and "Bond... James Bond."



Stephanie and Isabelle
Lucas, Jonathan, and a visitor

Alley and Liduina took the ladies of the congregation to a conference for women in Ipiranga. It was the first time that Marcia and Florinda were able to participate in an event for ladies in the church, and they loved it.

Marcia Santana holds Stephanie

Marcia and Florinda, who was baptized two months ago

Our congregation is doing well. I would like to remind you of the people who worship with us so that you can be praying for them by name.

Francisco and Liduina Lira, Alley's parents and our coworkers

Marcia Santos Santana and her son, Lucas. Her husband Edson is a regular visitor that we hope will be baptized soon.

The Guerrero Family: Carlos, Adriana, Isabelle, and Leticia (above)

Eduardo Dutra e Silva Neto, a member who made contact through the School of the Bible (above)

Dona Florinda was baptized two months ago after a study with Francisco. Her husband visits regularly with us.

Pedro Sobrinho, our first baptism

The Rodriguez family: Adauto, Janette, and Ailton are members at Sao Vicente who attend with us and have been a great help as the work begins. Ailton and Adauto both give classes and preach.

Valdir, and his children Marcos, and Vanessa, are also members of Sao Vicente and regularly attend with us in Praia Grande. Marcos regularly helps with songleading.

Last weekend was voting day. Here in Brazil the vote is mandatory, so it is a day filled with activity as many travel, and of course it is the season for politics. The most popular form of advertising here is not TV or even radio, although they are used. The most common thing to do is get a car and mount speakers on top, and pay people to drive around, blasting the jingle of a certain candidate. They also stand at street corners and wave big flags, and of course pass out a lot of flyers.

As a church we got together on voting day, and at Pedro's suggestion, had a pot luck. Pedro himslef made a wonderful feijoada, which is black beans and sausage, among other things. Others brought dessert, salad, and drinks. It was our first real congregational meal, and we all had a wonderful time. Pedro has a fantastic attitude and wants to learn to preach. We are already studying with him toward that goal. He also makes a great feijoada.

Last week, after 7 months of construction, the electric fence was finally installed, and improvements on the house have ended (except for those little things). We are very glad that the house is much more secure now, and that we won't have crews in our house working anymore for a while.

Thanks to all of you for your prayers for the congregation here, and for the effectiveness of our work. The Lord is blessing us, and we pray that the results so far are but the firstfruits of a great harvest here.

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