The church here in Praia Grande is doing well. We are slowly, but consistently, growing, as you will see in the fotos this month. Our family is well, the kids are wonderful, and God is, in many ways, blessing us.
Junior Lira preaching in Praia Grande
Alley's brother and sister-in-law, Junior and Patricia Lira, have been attending and helping the church here in Praia Grande for the last year. Patricia has helped Alley teach children's classes and Junior has worked with the youth from both Sao Vicente and Praia Grande. They have been a wonderful encouragement to all of us. After a trip to the US in September-October, they will be moving to Brasilia to work full time, together with their team, as evangelists. May God bless you on your travels and in your new ministry!
The kids love class
Alley is wonderful, as usual!
Junior Lira leading a relay race with youth during Games for Brothers
Games for Brothers was an event for the youth from Sao Vicente and Praia Grande at our home. We planned for twenty people, but the result was quite different. We had 55. Most were visitors from Sao Vicente who had heard about the event through thier friends. For about half the youth that came, it was the first time they had opened the Bible or sang a song of praise. Please pray for these visitors. Pray our follow-up strategy will help bring them to their savior.
Many of you have heard of our neighbors, Beto and Bete (Roberto and Elizabete). They are the ones who called the police for us when we were held at gunpoint in our home. They are proving to be great friends. Here we are in Sao Vicente having coffee together. We hope the friendship will grow into brotherhood as we share the Gospel with them.
Speaking of sharing the Gospel, Francisco, my father-in-law and teammate, is involved with 18 Bible studies right now. Two are discipleship studies and 16 are evangelistic. He walks or rides his bike to most of them (about 25 miles a week) and his leg has begun hurting him recently. Please ask God to keep him strong so that nithing will interfere with his work. He is a true trooper in the Kingdom! Please pray for these opportunities to yield fruit as well!
Florinda, Francisco, and Liduina
Speaking of yielding fruit, Florinda, one of Francisco's contacts, was baptized last month. She is a wonderful, innocent new sister who absorbs everyting we can teach her. The assurance of salvation, that we sometimes take for granted, brings her to tears every Sunday as we worship together. How great a gift we have in the free gift of grace through Jesus Christ!
Florinda, a new sister in Christ
By the way, baptizing in the ocean is quite tricky.
We were also blessed last month to host the Project Brasilia Team. This team of three Brazilian families will go to teh capital of Brazil next year to evangelize in the center of the city. We were priveleged to have them in our home for a full day of culture, fundraising, travel, and team relationship counseling. I even put my creative juices to use inventing a board game to help improve team communication and relationships. May God bless the team to have a strong impact in Brasilia.
Our congregation averages 25 on Sundays. In the adult class on Sundays we are studying the book of James. It is very meaty, and great for starting good discussion. The last Sunday of every month we spend the adult class praying for each other.
Florinda, her first worship with us after her baptism. Francisco, as usual, greets people at the door.
God is blessing our efforts here in Praia Grande. Please pray for him to continue to send seekers and open hearts to the School of the Bible, studies, and worship services. Pray that He will multiply our efforts, provide for our needs, and bring many into the Kingdom in Praia Grande.
"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen."
Ephesians 3:20,21
1 comment:
It is great to hear that things are going well for you all down there. It is so evident to me how God is working in many wonderful ways. Thanks for all you're doing!
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