Construction in front of the church is nearly finished, which has increased the flow of pedestrian traffic and our own visibility. We hope this will gain us some more contacts and visitors.
In a windstorm, our sign blew down just as they were ripping up the sidewalk. It looks MUCH better than this now!
Eduardo is the son of Dick Farney, jazz musician of "Copacabana" fame
Did you know that phone lines can rust? If you have enough humidity in the house, they can! We have lost phone and internet on two separate occasions due to humidity inside the house corroding our phone lines and causing loss of signal. Hopefully our new, shielded wire will do better than the last one! In addition to the corrosion problem, our communication situation suffered again when Service Pack 3 crashed our computer, and we had to wipe the hard drive and reinstall from scratch. Thankfully, I am learning a little from the past, and had a great complete backup that made it very easy.
I have been watching the kids a lot recently. Alley and the other ladies of the congregation were invited to organize the games at the Ladies Conference in Vargem Grande Paulista. Marcia, Liduina, and Alley all participated, along with ten other women, and organized games and fun time for 400 women! In the history of the event, never have that many women participated in the games, but with Alley's talents of persuasion, everyone participated this year. Due to the great contacts she made there, we have been invited to direct the Jr. Teen camp next year as well.
One of the highlights of the work here is the privilege I have to be studying with Pedro and Marcos. Pedro is a new convert, less than a year old. He is very shy, but asked us to train him to pray, read scripture, and preach! SO we meet together weekly to study and practice the basics of public service. Pedro has an attitude that brightens the room every time he arrives, and gives hugs like a bear. I know his presence will bless the congregation as he continues to grow into his dream: to preach the book of James.
Pedro, studying
I also continue to study with Marcos Serrano, a member fo the Sao Vicente congregation. He preached last Sunday for the first time since we have been working on sermon preparation. It gives me great joy to see this young man put into practice the techniques I am teaching him, but even more importantly, put into practice the Word itself. Pray for both of these "young" men as they grow in their ability to serve the Lord.
Marcos Serrano
We would like to send a big thanks to our newset supporters, Christ's Heritage church in Lynwood, WA., and the Kersey family. Thank you very much for helping in the work here in Brazil. May God use us together to build a strong and loving church family here, to the glory of the Lord.
With uncertainty everywhere, let me remind us all that it is not in physical things that we have our hope. Our sense of security shouldn't be in our retirement or savings. Instead, as members of a spiritual Kingdom, our treasure is stored in heaven where moth and rust can't degrade, and thieves can't steal. I hope that our hearts are truly there, and therefore, our treasures, and that no matter what the scenario economically, we can smile and trust that our futures are truly secure. May God bless you all.